For inquiries and booking contact:
Fiona and Mark Sulman
Homestead & Campground Managers
Ellenbrae Station PTY. LTD
PMB 23 Kununurra WA, 6743
Ph: +61 8 9161 4325
Fax: +61 8 9161 4025
Email: info@ellenbraestation.com.au
ABN: 51 758 463 167
For inquiries and booking contact:
Fiona and Mark Sulman
Homestead & Campground Managers
Ellenbrae Station PTY. LTD
PMB 23 Kununurra WA, 6743
Ph: +61 8 9161 4325
Fax: +61 8 9161 4025
Email: info@ellenbraestation.com.au
ABN: 51 758 463 167